
Figuring out the stratigraphy in the Xining Basin. Natasha Barbolini, Lin Li, Niels Meijer,Alex Rohrmann.

Research Topics




Research Projects


  • 2021. Agence National de la Recherche, ANR pre-proposal. Tibetop : The Tibetan-Himalayan paleotopography. (PI with Gilles Ruffet, Alexis Licht, Pierre Bouilhol, Chritian France-Lanord, Anne-Alexandre). Accepted to 2nd round only, resubmission in 2023.



  • 2021-2022. Boost Europe – ERC. Région Bretagne. RELICT. Reconstructing past Earth, Life and Climate Transitions with : a free Geologic time machine to explore and create our world’s evolution. (PI).
  • 2021-2023. Eocene Oligocene Transition record from the Luberon basins. (co-PI with Alexis Licht; CEREGE). Postdoc: Mustafa Kaya.
  • 2020-2023. Eocene Oligocene Transition record from the Rhine Graben. (co-PI with Matthieu Schuster; IPG Strasbourg, Alsace Region Grant). PhD: Emile Simon.
  • 2020-2024. The EECO greenhouse world, pollen as indicator of past vegetation on the Tibetan Plateau (co-PI with Carina Hoorn; Univ. van Amsterdam). PhD: Amber Woutersen (Video)


  • 2021-2022. vGEOTRIP. Virtual geology fieldtrip for Earth Science teaching. EDUC, 5 k€. Univ. Potsdam-Rennes. PI with P. van der Beek, B. Bookhagen, M. Mutti, G. Zeilinger, K. Gallagher, B. Guillaume, D. Lague, P. Steer.
  • 2018-2022.  Geodynamic, Climate and Biodiversity International online teaching project EDUC, 5 k€. Uni. Rennes-Potsdam. PI with René Dommain.



  • 2015-2021 (PI) ERC Consolidator, 2000 k€. MAGIC : Monsoons in Asia caused Greenhouse to Icehouse Cooling
  • 2017-2019 DAAD fellowship 23 k€. (co-PI with Pr. M. Wilke), for Jovid Aminov at Potsdam University, Pamir evolution from Petrology and Paleomagnetism.
  • – 2012-2018 (Associate Partner) International Continental Drilling Project (with PI A. Cohen and 20 associate partners), Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project, co-funding ICDP/NSF.
  • 2013-2018 (co-PI) Research fellowship (with S. Guillot, Grenoble U., K. Schulman, Strasbourg U.), DSP-TIBET Probing Deep and Surface Processes in Central Tibet. Agence National de la Recherche, ANR, France, 240 k€.
  • 2014-2017 (co-PI) Cai Yuanpei French-China exchange program (with Z. GUO, Peking U., M. Jolivet and J.-N. Proust, Rennes U.), The Northern Tibetan Plateau margin during the India-Asia collision, French ministry of foreign affairs – China Scholarship Council, 40 k€.
  • 2014-2015 (PI) Guest fellowship for advanced researcher (with M. Strecker and E. Sobel at Postdam U.), Sea retreat during the Indo-Asia collision: Cause and impact, Alexander von Humboldt foundation, Germany, 20 k€.
  • 2013-2016 (PI) Postdoc fellowship (position of Dr. M. Sier) Climate Impact on Human Evolution: Age Calibration of Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project. Open competition grant of the Netherlands organization for scientific research, NWO, 200 k€
  • 2012-2015 (PI) Marie Curie Career Integration Grant, HIRESDAT High-resolution dating of sedimentary archives, tools and applications, FP7-PEOPLE-2011, 100 k€. Career Integration Grant.
  • 2012-2015 (co-Pi) Research fellowship (with PI P. Lanos, Rennes U.) CHRONOMODEL Chronological modeling and software development for data processing in archaeology and Earth sciences, Agence National de la Recherche, France, 125 k€.
  • 2013-2016 (Associate Partner) International Training Network project (with PI Y. Najman, Lancaster U.) iTECC investigating Tectonic-Erosion-Climate Coupling FP7-PEOPLE-ITN-2012.
  • 2011 & 2012 (PI) Research support in Kirghizstan and Tajikistan (with C. Ormukov, Seismological Institute of Kirghizstan and J. Aminov, Academy of Science of Tajikistan), Paleogene sea retreat from central Asia and concomitant Asian paleoenvironmental change, Darius Program, Petroleum Industry Consortium, 18 k€.
  • 2011-2014 (PI) Cai Yuanpei French-China exchange program (with Z. GUO, Peking U., M. Jolivet and J.-N. Proust, Rennes U.), Cause, age and consequences of the sea retreat out of Asia, French ministry of foreign affairs – China Scholarship Council, 40 k€.
  • 2010-2014 (Associate Partner) Continental Dynamic Programme Grant (with PI P. Kapp, U. of Arizona and 15 associate partners), Collaborative Research: The suturing process: Insight from the India-Asia collision zone, National Science Foundation, 73 k$.
  • 2010 (PI) Utrecht Seminar Grant, Asian climate and Tectonics seminar, Utrecht University, 15 k€.
  • 2008 (PI) Van Gogh French-Dutch exchange program (with J.L. Bouchez, Toulouse U. and M. Dekkers, Utreht U.). High field anisotropy of hematite and goethite. French ministry of foreign affairs – Netherlands organization for scientific research, NWO 8 k€.
  • 2008-2014 (PI) ‘Vidi’ Individual fellowship, Is the collision between India and Asia responsible for global climate cooling? Netherlands organization for scientific research, NWO, 600 k€.
  • 2007, 8 & 9 (PI) Exchange travel grants, Netherlands organization for scientific research and National Science Foundation China, NWO-NSFC, 12 k€.
  • 2005-2008 (PI) ‘Veni‘ Individual fellowship, Coupling geodynamic to climatic changes during Tibetan uplift, Netherlands organization for scientific research, NWO, 200 k€.
  • 2003-2005 (PI) Marie Curie Individual fellowship, Timing of Tibetan plateau uplift and related climate change, IHP-MCIF-99-1, FP7, 140 k€.
  • 2004, 5 & 6 (PI) Chinese visitor grants, Netherlands organization for scientific research, NWO, 9 k€.
  • 2014-2017 (co-PI) Cai Yuanpei French-China exchange program (with Z. GUO, Peking U., M. Jolivet and J.-N. Proust, Rennes U.), The Northern Tibetan Plateau margin during the India-Asia collision, French ministry of foreign affairs – China Scholarship Council, 40 k€.