Team meetings on Wednesdays 16-17h
ZOOM Link: ask
Present and share your research, invite other participants or propose a discussion: Contact
2021-06-30 Le problème des brèches carbonatées du synclinal du Bas-Agly (Pyrénées, France): Résolu par une étude diagénétique !
2021-06-16 Open date
2021-06-09 Sietske Batenburg topic to be announced.
2021-06-02 : Glissement sous-marin en Nouvelle Zélande, basé sur les données de l’expédition IODP 372
Morgane Brunet Géosciences Rennes
2021-05-26 Reconstitution des paysages jurassiques namibiens…avec des dinosaures!
Aëla Radenac M2 Géosciences Rennes
2021-05-19 Terra Antiqua QGIS paleogeographic tool
Diego Ruiz. Géologue. MSc Potsdam University.
2021-04-14 ? Paleogene source to sink of Paris basin ?
Nicolas Marie
2021-03-31 Formation et préservation des brèches sédimentaires: Jurassique supérieur des Pyrénées vs Pléistocène de Crète marqueur de l’extension lithosphérique ?
2021-03-24 Islands of Okavango, a geochemical bio-reactor
- Olivier Dauteuil: Geochemical aspects.
- Marc Jolivet: Field aspects (with exciting photos).
2021-03-17 ITN project Source 2 Sink – Future
- Cécile Robin : Overall presentation of the ITN project S2S-Future (10 mn + discussion).
- Iwan Setiawan : previous MSc research and PhD topic. (10 mn + discussion).
- Takis Panagiotis : Presentation of PhD topic (10 mn + discussion)
- PhD research topic. Mantle dynamics, very long wavelength deformations and large rivers source to sink systems: the case example of Africa (Congo, Nile).
- Seismic characterization of a Late Miocene cacliclastic deep-water fan in the Phu Khanh Basin, Offshore Vietnam
- PhD research topic. Short term climatic events in icehouse periods and their effects on source to sink systems: the case examples of the Aptian events (OAE 1a et 1b) along the Tethyan Margin of Tunisia.
- MSc thesis – The Structural Development of the Vestbakken Volcanic Province, Western Barents Sea. Relation Between Faults and Folds
2021-02-24 Seminar Kick off meeting.
Open discussions on the modus of the seminar and especially set the dates of presentations.